Helpful Heat Pumps

Getting the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system up and running

Getting the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system up and running

That weekend was quite tied up as my pal and I had all arrived from a month long getaway; The trip had been sudden and not genuinely well planned but my pal and I were ecstatic that it came when it did; My associate and I had been working for 4 years without a brea

Improved air system using an media air purification system

Improved air system using an media air purification system

My cousin Nathan has constantly been sensitive. I remember my uncle constantly following up on him to carry her inhaler and allergy meds every time my associate and I would leave home. She was born with respiratory issues and had challenges breathing properly. She could struggle each season when dust and allergens increase. To manage

My Air Conditioner Saved Me from Heatstroke

My Air Conditioner Saved Me from Heatstroke

Luckily, my HVAC system is very good at dehumidifying the air, and the cooling system was working efficiently to turn the boiling air outside into the cool, dry, comforting blasts that were hitting my face It was the early morning of July 3rd. The sun had just come up, and I had risen with it

The Heater that Scared My Friends

The Heater that Scared My Friends

When I was in college, my friends and I took a spring break road trip. We drove for half the day, and spent the other half sightseeing in whatever town we landed in that afternoon. After long afternoons and evenings outside in the spring sun, we were usually unprepared for the chilly spring evenings; we

My Husband Tried to Fix our Furnace

My Husband Tried to Fix our Furnace

As usual, with slumped shoulders, he said, “Okay, it’s time to call someone.” I picked up the phone and called a trusted HVAC technician. My husband is under the impression that he’s “handy.” He always tries to “fix” anything that’s broken in our home. In reality, he usually just takes things apart, studies their components,

My Childhood Bedroom: Hip, But Not Cool

My Childhood Bedroom: Hip, But Not Cool

My room was the hottest in the summer, and the coldest in the winter. After moving to a town a few hours north of my childhood home, I found myself missing almost everything about it. My parents’ house is familiar; I know where to find a vase, where to find a screwdriver, and where my

What would I do without air conditioning?

What would I do without air conditioning?

I sometimes wonder what I would do if I didn’t have air conditioning? I know there were times when I didn’t have air conditioning, but that was because the AC unit was broken. Now that I am going through menopause, the air conditioning and our zone control are the only things that keep my family

The warmth of the day required air conditioning.

The warmth of the day required air conditioning.

The weather forecast called for a warm afternoon. Apparently, my idea of a warm afternoon, and theirs, were two different things. When the temperatures hit the 85 degree mark, it was hot in my house. I had to turn on the air conditioning just sitting down. I planned on going outside and doing some gardening,

I know about the history of HVAC and it helped me win trivia night last week

I know about the history of HVAC and it helped me win trivia night last week

I am such a nerd that I know absolutely everything that there is to know about the history of heating and cooling! In 1902, an engineer in New York invented modern air conditioning I know about the history of HVAC and it helped me win trivia night last week. I am always a sucker for

I don’t know what’s wrong with the air conditioning system in our van

I don’t know what’s wrong with the air conditioning system in our van

I don’t know what’s wrong with the air conditioning system in our van but I am definitely going to have to get it fixed. In the place where we live, the heat that we get in the summer is just no joke. The temperatures here are in the high 80s during the summer months most

I won at the trivia game because I know about the history of HVAC

I won at the trivia game because I know about the history of HVAC

I won at the trivia game because I know all about the history of HVAC. Whenever my friends asked me to come and play trivia with them the other night, I had my doubts about doing it. Nearly all of my other friends know all kinds of things. They are all vast stores of information

I have been throwing away reusable ac filters out of ignorance

I have been throwing away reusable ac filters out of ignorance

Ignorance is indeed no defense. As a resident in a humid and windy part of the country, you would think that I have mastered the art of managing the temperature of my home, but no. I was far from it. It was embarrassing to even talk about how I throw away things I should be

I didn't know that poor house insulation could stress the air conditioner

I didn't know that poor house insulation could stress the air conditioner

Uncontrolled excitement can cause a lot of pain if it makes you ignore things that you should pay attention to. I know because I made a terrible oversight recently. I have always wanted to own a tiny house, but I lacked the drive to look for one. When I lost my job, this changed, and

The HVAC technician is working on our air conditioning this week

The HVAC technician is working on our air conditioning this week

The HVAC technician working on our air conditioning this week is really cute. I keep thinking about going down to the basement to talk to him while he is working on the heating and cooling system but I don’t want to distract him while he is working. I am afraid that he might accidentally forget

There’s no A/C in the place that the reunion will be

There’s no A/C in the place that the reunion will be

There’s no A/C in the place where the reunion is going to be held next month. I do not understand why in the world my family decided to switch places where they hold our family reunion this year. I mean, honestly, we have been holding the very same family reunion for the past 20 years,

We are getting our furnace replaced this summer

We are getting our furnace replaced this summer

We are getting our furnace replaced this summer. Whenever I tell some people that we are getting our furnace replaced in the middle of July, they actually look at me kind of funny. I guess that it is because most people don’t really think about their furnaces when the weather is hot outside. I probably

You always get what you pay for when it comes to your HVAC company

You always get what you pay for when it comes to your HVAC company

I know that sometimes people run specials and that is a good thing, but whenever you’re just looking for a place that is cheap for cheapness’ sake, then you’re going to get bitten, that’s for sure. You really always get what you pay for when it comes to the service and quality of your HVAC