Zone control is a great addition to a multi-level home.

Zone control is a great addition to a multi-level home.

Recently I was given the opportunity to transition from a job with a commute, to a job from home. I was very excited about this change, because I could spend close to 45 minutes just driving one way to work each day. I was so excited when I prepared my new home office and set

I have been throwing away reusable ac filters out of ignorance

I have been throwing away reusable ac filters out of ignorance

Ignorance is indeed no defense. As a resident in a humid and windy part of the country, you would think that I have mastered the art of managing the temperature of my home, but no. I was far from it. It was embarrassing to even talk about how I throw away things I should be

This summer, my AC has not been working the best

This summer, my AC has not been working the best

I’m so concerned with the outdoor weather. It has been harshly hot and dry for the past 6 weeks. Temperatures are 95° or higher every single afternoon. My AC has not been working the best. I cleaned the air filter and I also cleaned the condensate drain line… Nothing helps the AC work better. My

Air conditioning should not be expensive in hot plus humid states

Air conditioning should not be expensive in hot plus humid states

I firmly feel that if someone lives in a hot plus humid state such as one in the southeastern region of the country, that a/c should not be as expensive as it is. In several cases, a/c can save lives. Some people do not have access to a/c due to their financial situations, so they

Icky girl room

Icky girl room

I have two teenage women that are avid sports enthusiast! They appreciate to watch sports every second they get and they play just about every sport there college will let them play. The start the year off playing football and end the year with baseball. They play a couple of bizarre sports in between too,

I only cherish the summer time if I have a/c

I only cherish the summer time if I have a/c

I am so thankful that it is finally fall. I have never been so happy for a modern season to start in my life. Fall has always been my favorite season, but this year is even more lovely than usual, and you see, my pal and I had record temperatures this past summer, and it

Small window unit does nothing for big house

Small window unit does nothing for big house

Grandma has a nice big house so I was surprised that no one was staying over at her house for the family reunion. Everyone was staying in hotels. When I asked why, I was informed that Grandma doesn’t have air conditioning. However, when I talked to Grandma, she assured me that she does. I wanted

Summer wedding is uncharacteristically cold

Summer wedding is uncharacteristically cold

I can’t say that I blame them but I was finally able to convince the misses to leave with me When my pal and I chose to get married in the summer time outdoors, my fiance plus I assumed that the weather would be nice plus warm! So, apparently, did our guests, but, as the

Improved air system using an air purifier

Improved air system using an air purifier

My cousin Nathan has always been sensitive. I remember my aunt always following up on him to carry his inhaler and allergy meds every time we would leave home. He was born with respiratory issues and had challenges breathing properly. He could struggle each season when dust and allergens increase. To manage his condition, his

Rainy times

Rainy times

It seems like it has been raining from months. In reality it has only been weeks. My friend came over last night to visit and said they just felt achy all over. I offered her some pop and she said it helped a bit. She commented on how much warmer my home felt than her

Moving to a new city

Moving to a new city

I have been living in the same town for my entire life. I think that after spending a lifetime in the same place, I think I’m ready for a big change. I have been applying for jobs in many different cities and I am getting really excited for this new chapter in my life. I

The service serviceman fixed the troubles with the ductless AC

The service serviceman fixed the troubles with the ductless AC

When I had a concern with the ductless mini split system in my house, I had to contact an AC service dealer There are lots of odd types of heating and AC equipment on the market! Ductless mini split systems are harshly popular, because they are an efficient way to heat and cool your home.

I was hoping to find a portable AC at the hardware store

I was hoping to find a portable AC at the hardware store

This year, I decided to buy a portable AC component for my home. The central AC works genuinely well, however there are a couple of sites around the house where the indoor hot and cold temperatures are warmer. During the afternoon, hot and cold temperatures inside of the living room are particularally warmer than the

Satisfied with the modern Heating and A/C installed

Satisfied with the modern Heating and A/C installed

I was traveling and was super upset about not being present when the modern AC system was installed. My associate and I had tied up with the Heating and A/C contractor on the unique day that this task was to be done. Unfortunately, the day before this project was to happen, my boss asked me

Choosing the right Heating and A/C system

Choosing the right Heating and A/C system

How do you know if you have chosen the Right Heating and cooling system? I guess you know if you have chosen the correct heating and AC system depending on how well it works for you. Like for example when I first chose my honestly first heating and air conditioner I thought I had the

A glimpse in the future of Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C technology

A glimpse in the future of Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C technology

The air conditioning industry is one that is going to experience an upward trajectory in future, but the need for sufficient cooling as well as heaters is not adjusting anytime soon, at least not with the several changes happening across the globe… Climate changes is a course of concern, but it also means that people

My Aunt won’t stop talking about humidifiers

My Aunt won’t stop talking about humidifiers

Everyone has one of those ridiculous family members that drives them insane. I am no exception. My Aunt Maggie is one of those people who is quite hard to be around for extended periods of time. I feel really bad for his though because he does not realize that he is so discouraging, he entirely

Company complained about our temperature control temperature

Company complained about our temperature control temperature

My partner and I recently had family visit from the northeastern region of the country. My pal and I live in the southeastern region of the country. My pal and I have been experiencing one of the hottest, most humid summers in history. My pal and I warned our family about the heat, however they

Thinking about how trees provide climate control

Thinking about how trees provide climate control

I’ve been taking my two kids to the park a few blocks down from where my good friend and I live for a couple years now. My associate and I live in a bustling as well as developing city, as well as any yellowery that I can expose them to is legitimately welcome. They do

My household is so sizzling now that I have a modern boiler

My household is so sizzling now that I have a modern boiler

I had been having trouble with keeping my household sizzling enough for almost three years. I am a giant procrastinator, so I just kept putting it off. It was not a good thing I know, even though I did it. My household was not chilly, so I just dressed in layers plus sort of ignored

The Office Was Dusty as well as Musty

The Office Was Dusty as well as Musty

Like most businesss in the area, the business I’m employed with sent me to work from condo for an unknown amount of time, but due to the virus that was spreading abruptly, they couldn’t risk having their employees coming as well as going every afternoon, but my friend and I ended up laboring from condo

Zoned Heating & A/C same temp in every room

Zoned Heating & A/C same temp in every room

I called the local Heating & A/C supplier plus they are going to install zoned Heating & A/C control in our house I would like to start this off by saying that I love my children, but i have four kids plus they’re attractive, amazing kids, however, they drive me silly occasionally, however they have

Trying to fit new gaming desk in apartment without covering up vents

Trying to fit new gaming desk in apartment without covering up vents

My coworker is expecting his first baby in two months and he asked if I would like to buy his gaming computer for cheap. His gaming room is now going to be the baby’s room. Of course I jumped on the opportunity. My coworker had a sick gaming room and I have been envious for

I was hoping to find a portable AC at the hardware store

I was hoping to find a portable AC at the hardware store

After 20 minutes had passed, I started to look for the guy. This year, I decided to buy a portable AC machine for my home. The central AC works genuinely well, however there are a couple of arenas around the dwelling where the indoor hot and cold temperatures are warmer. During the afternoon, hot and

Dirty air in a hotel room

Dirty air in a hotel room

My fiance and I were recently on a road trip and my friend and I decided that my friend and I wanted to get out of the vehicle and explore one of the towns that my friend and I were driving through, and we’ve been driving for about 10 hours a morning and my friend

Central furnace in camping trailer won’t turn on

Central furnace in camping trailer won’t turn on

After my pal and I bought our camping trailer, my partner plus I were both anxious to use it. It didn’t matter that it was winter time plus not undoubtedly the season for camping. We loaded up the trailer with food plus dishes plus sleeping bags plus set out. It took us longer than it

Don’t mess with a man’s thermostat

Don’t mess with a man’s thermostat

Our cooling system would change to heating in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. I would double check the smart thermostat before going to bed. It would be set to air conditioner. Then I would wake up at 4 am and it would be super overheated in the house. I would check

Heated floors are a great addition to your master powder room.

Heated floors are a great addition to your master powder room.

I have regularly hated the brutal cold of winter. I consider myself to be more sensitive to the cold than almost everyone, so winter is one of my least number one seasons of the year; Living in the midwest, I have been exposed to numerous winter storms & cold weather. It even seems that winter

Cat Baths and Warm Space Heaters

Cat Baths and Warm Space Heaters

I just dipped my cat in a sink filled with warm water and it was freaking out like it was the end of the world. The workers at the local business next to me probably think I was torturing the cat but I need to give it baths now and then because it gets dirty

She Always Complains About My HVAC System

She Always Complains About My HVAC System

My mom had been begging to come over to my house. I live almost 45 minutes away, so it’s not an easy drive for her, which means that I would have to opportunity her up as well as bring her house unless it was at a convenient time. I cherish my mom as well as

My house is so warm now that I have a new furnace

My house is so warm now that I have a new furnace

I had been having trouble with keeping my house warm enough for almost three years. I am a big procrastinator, so I just kept putting it off. It was not a good thing I know, but I did it. My house was not freezing, so I just dressed in layers and sort of ignored it.

Rain Rain go away

Rain Rain go away

It seems like it has been raining from months. In reality it has only been weeks. My friend came over last night to visit and said they just felt achy all over. I offered her some tea and she said it helped a bit. She commented on how much warmer my house felt than her

Why Your AC System Makes Loud Noises

Why Your AC System Makes Loud Noises

Homeowners sometimes have to decipher the latest banging, dripping, or clanking. Sound diagnosis isn’t always the most effective approach, but it can often help you determine what kind of issue you’re facing so you can consult the right professional. Most likely, your air conditioner has made noises more than once, and those noises can mean

My brother is starting to get on my nerves

My brother is starting to get on my nerves

My brother plus his spouse argue all of the time. They have been together for 10 years, although I do not feel they have been thrilled for the last half of that decade, however i wasn’t undoubtedly surprised when my brother called me on the iphone to tell me that he was separating from his

I do not know when to turn my boiler on

I do not know when to turn my boiler on

I cannot not make decisions to save my life. It is so pathetic. It drives my partner nuts that I can never make decisions, and I feel definitely awful periodically. He will ask me where I want to go for dinner, and I will mention all the pros and cons about each locale that my

My Husband Tried to Fix our Furnace

My Husband Tried to Fix our Furnace

As usual, with slumped shoulders, he said, “Okay, it’s time to call someone.” I picked up the phone and called a trusted HVAC technician. My husband is under the impression that he’s “handy.” He always tries to “fix” anything that’s broken in our home. In reality, he usually just takes things apart, studies their components,

Too sizzling for a bike ride

Too sizzling for a bike ride

When my mechanic called plus told me that my truck was finally ready to be picked up, I decided to ride my bike plus go get it myself. I didn’t want to wait another morning for a ride from a friend. Besides, it was only 3 miles away plus I could just throw my bicycle

Looking for Some HVAC Repair Near Me

Looking for Some HVAC Repair Near Me

I’m staying in a small neighborhood at a rental arena for a few weeks to get away from the tourists in our beach town. The only problem is the a/c in this arena isn’t working plus it is really tepid out, so I am looking for an HVAC supplier to come out plus repair the

Night sweats

Night sweats

I pride myself on being a superb sleeper. Ever since I was little I haven’t ever had any troubles getting to bed immediately once my head hits the pillow, my mom used to brag to her friends that it was a miracle that I could sleep all through the night even at such a young

Moving to a modern city

Moving to a modern city

I have been living in the same neighborhood for my entire life, and i suppose that after spending a lifetime in the same arena, I suppose I’m ready for a large change. I have been applying for tasks in several different cities plus I am getting truly gleeful for this modern chapter in my life.

Night sweats

Night sweats

I pride myself on being a great sleeper. Ever since I was little I haven’t ever had any concerns getting to bed right away once my head hits the pillow; My mom used to brag to her friends that it was a miracle that I could sleep all through the night even at such a

She Always Complains About My Heating & A/C System

She Always Complains About My Heating & A/C System

My Dad had been begging to come over to my house. I live almost 45 minutes away, so it’s not an simple drive for her, which means that I would have to choice her up & bring her apartment unless it was at a convenient time. I cherish my Dad & I cherish spending time