Summer wedding is uncharacteristically cold

Summer wedding is uncharacteristically cold

At least everyone will remember our wedding because it was so unusually cold. When we chose to get married in the summer outdoors, my fiance and I assumed that the weather would be nice and warm. So, apparently, did our guests. But, as the big day arrived, it became more and more clear that this

My Aunt won’t stop talking about humidifiers

My Aunt won’t stop talking about humidifiers

Everyone has one of those crazy family members that drives them insane. I am no exception. My Aunt Maggie is one of those people who is quite hard to be around for extended periods of time. I feel really bad for her though because she does not realize that she is so annoying. She genuinely

I need ductwork service & cleaning.

I need ductwork service & cleaning.

Living in the country has its perks, however for example: you can’t hear or see your neighbors, it is genuinely quiet, & it is genuinely peaceful, don’t get me started on the beauty either, however, living in the country also has its downsides. For one thing, it takes forever to get service done of any

Dirty air in a hotel room

Dirty air in a hotel room

My wifey in addition to I were recently on a road trip in addition to my associate and I decided that my associate and I wanted to get out of the automobile in addition to explore one of the towns that my associate and I were driving through, but we’ve been driving for about 10

Being thankful for climate control during a rainy summer

Being thankful for climate control during a rainy summer

This summer time has been the rainiest that I have seen in a long time, every afternoon like clockwork, the clouds get dark, the thunder starts to rumble, and the heavens open up. It may last well into the night, or it may start earlier, in the day. The thing is, my friend and I

Inclement weather on summer time days causing complications

Inclement weather on summer time days causing complications

The weather has been so horribly violent in the days these days! Now, I know a genuine hurricane or a snowstorm would be considerably more violent, however my friend and I are still getting actually serious thunderstorms rolling in nearly every afternoon; This is somewhat of a proper occurrence in the middle of the summer

Company complained about our thermostat temperature

Company complained about our thermostat temperature

My hubby as well as I recently had family visit from the northeastern region of the country. My pal and I live in the southeastern region of the country. My pal and I have been experiencing one of the hottest, most humid summers in history. My pal and I warned our family about the heat,

A whole-house humidifier is a great investment for the winter months.

A whole-house humidifier is a great investment for the winter months.

Living in the northern United States, I have grown used to the brutal cold of winter. I am always prepared with thick jackets, gloves, and warm socks for any adventure I have outside. Unfortunately, these aren’t as comfortable to wear all day long inside of your house. This past winter was especially cold, and I

Make sure the HVAC in your car is efficient

Make sure the HVAC in your car is efficient

One thing you should never do is drive without having any kind of heating or air conditioning. It is a legitimately crucial thing to have quality and fully working HVAC in your vehicle the same as you would in your home. If not, maybe even more crucial! Because when you are in your vehicle driving

How I get through winter season with a furnace that is struggling

How I get through winter season with a furnace that is struggling

I have regularly said that I would buy a new furnace as well as would invest in one soon. However, since this outdated boiler I used was still working, although not perfectly, I seem to forget about the heating device as soon as winter season relapses… Occasionally when it gets too freezing I light the

New apartment

New apartment

I recently decided that I wanted to transfer into my own apartment. I have been living with my boyfriend and my friend and I broke up so I thought it was a nice option for me to start living on my own for the first time; Right when I graduated from high university I moved

Rainy days

Rainy days

It seems like it has been raining from months. In reality it has only been weeks. My neighbor came over last night to visit plus said they just felt achy all over. I provided her some Dunkin Donuts Coffee plus she said it helped a bit. She commented on how much warmer my property felt

Improved air system using an whole-home air purifier

Improved air system using an whole-home air purifier

My cousin Nathan has consistently been sensitive. I remember my aunt consistently following up on him to carry his inhaler and dust sensitivity meds every time my pal and I would leave home. He was born with respiratory concerns and had challenges breathing correctly. He could struggle each season when dust and allergens increase. To

Portable air conditioner helps a lot

Portable air conditioner helps a lot

With the weather being unusually warm this time of year it has caused me to use my central HVAC system cooling a lot more than usual this time of the year. Usually you get a few warm afternoons here and there which need air conditioning to have the full indoor comfort. However lately it has

We may be moving to an apartment because of heating issues

We may be moving to an apartment because of heating issues

My partner and I have been married for almost forty years now, and my pal and I have lived in the same property our entire marriage. The aged farmproperty that my pal and I live in was built back in the early 1900s. It is quite old. My superb friend and I have done a

Going out into the hot summer sun

Going out into the hot summer sun

There are many things to do in the summer, one of our favorite things is camping. One hot day, we had a crammed camper with all the kids and their friends on it and we were heading up the mountain when our fan broke. The irony was when we got to the cabin, our air

A Pretty Cool Ending to a Fun Filled Life

A Pretty Cool Ending to a Fun Filled Life

I wish them the best but I still feel a bit sad when I think of what we once had together. My life isn’t ending but I am in the later years of it and I am now writing the last chapters of my life story. I have a lovely lady to share life with

Trying to fit current gaming desk in house without covering up vents

Trying to fit current gaming desk in house without covering up vents

My coworker is expecting her first baby in two months plus she asked if I would like to buy her gaming tablet for cheap. Her gaming room is now going to be the baby’s room… Of course I jumped on the opportunity. My coworker had a sick gaming room plus I have been envious for

My brother is starting to get on my nerves

My brother is starting to get on my nerves

I have complained about the temperature on the thermostat a couple of times, but my brother either doesn’t care or is ignoring me all together My brother and his wife argue all of the time. They have been together for 10 years, but I don’t think they have been happy for the last half of

Grateful for a/c when I was sick

Grateful for a/c when I was sick

I am four months pregnant plus I am hastily learning that pregnancy lowers your immune system. I am dealing with a disappointing cold that does not seem to want to go away… Before this cold, I have not been sick in years, when you are pregnant, your immune system is weaker because the baby is

Dirty air in a hotel room

Dirty air in a hotel room

My spouse plus I were recently on a road trip plus my buddy and I decided that my buddy and I wanted to get out of the automobile plus explore one of the towns that my buddy and I were driving through, then we’ve been driving for about 10 hours a afternoon plus my buddy

Air conditioning should not be expensive in hot plus humid states

Air conditioning should not be expensive in hot plus humid states

I firmly feel that if someone lives in a hot plus humid state such as one in the southeastern region of the country, that a/c should not be as expensive as it is. In several cases, a/c can save lives. Some people do not have access to a/c due to their financial situations, so they

My sister is starting to get on my nerves

My sister is starting to get on my nerves

My sister and her partner argue all of the time, and they have been together for 10 years, although I don’t assume they have been cheerful for the last half of that decade, however i wasn’t certainly surprised when my sister called me on the PC to tell me that she was separating from her

A Pretty Cool Ending to a Fun Filled Life

A Pretty Cool Ending to a Fun Filled Life

My life isn’t ending even though I am in the later years of it and I am now writing the last chapters of my life story. I have a charming man to share life with and live in a nice flat particularly close to the Mediterranean Sea. My health is wonderful and I have some

Stealing Heating, Ventilation, and A/C units

Stealing Heating, Ventilation, and A/C units

We have lived in the same part for a couple for a couple of years now. My pal and I love the city and we have a good little community that we feel like we can trust. However, for the last six months or so something has been off in our safe little area. I

Smelly in that boy room

Smelly in that boy room

I have two teenage men that are avid sports enthusiast, and they cherish to watch sports every second they get as well as they play just about every sport there school will let them play. The start the year off playing pigskin as well as end the year with baseball. They play a couple of

A glimpse in the future of Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C technology

A glimpse in the future of Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C technology

The air conditioning industry is one that is going to experience an upward trajectory in future, but the need for sufficient cooling as well as heaters is not adjusting anytime soon, at least not with the several changes happening across the globe… Climate changes is a course of concern, but it also means that people

Heating plus Air Conditioning device waking up the baby

Heating plus Air Conditioning device waking up the baby

My spouse and I had a baby about two months ago, and my buddy and I are still getting used to being parents because this is our first child. My buddy and I have been trying to have a child for about a year now so my friend and I are so excited… However, my

Heating, Ventilation and A/C tune up

Heating, Ventilation and A/C tune up

I have constantly been entirely good about taking care of my things. Even as a little kid I would take extra care of my books as well as toys, so, now that I am an adult I still take care of my things just as well, then one thing I try to entirely stay on

A frustrating company meeting

A frustrating company meeting

Maybe I am overthinking, even though I feel like Goldilocks, except instead of porridge being the issue it’s cooling system. I had the longest company meeting recently. It was grueling. So several people were asking so several questions as well as talking in circles as well as not understanding each other, but meanwhile, I had

Music festival

Music festival

Thankfully I made friends with a girl in my group that did bring a portable air conditioner and she was willing to let me sleep at her time with her so we could share the air conditioner I love going to music festivals. I’ve always liked going to music festivals ever since I was younger.

Don’t mess with a man’s control unit

Don’t mess with a man’s control unit

However, you don’t mess with a man’s control unit plus then expect him to play nice. Our air conditioner would change to heating in the middle of the night for no blatant reason. I would double check the smart control unit before going to bed. It would be set to a/c. Then I would wake

Small window unit does nothing for big house

Small window unit does nothing for big house

Grandma has a nice big house so I was surprised that no one was staying over at her house for the family reunion. Everyone was staying in hotels. When I asked why, I was informed that Grandma doesn’t have air conditioning. However, when I talked to Grandma, she assured me that she does. I wanted

Small window unit does nothing for large house

Small window unit does nothing for large house

Grandmother has a nice large house so I was surprised that no one was staying over at her house for the family reunion, then everyone was staying in hotels. When I asked why, I was informed that Grandmother doesn’t have a/c. However, when I talked to Grandmother, she assured me that she does. I wanted

My dad fell down the stairs while carrying his air conditioner

My dad fell down the stairs while carrying his air conditioner

My parents are getting older, however they refuse to disclose it, but i feel so awful for them. It is hard to watch them struggle to do the things that they once did, however it is reality, my partner has tried so several times to help my dad repair things around the house, however my

Zone control is a great addition to a multi-level home.

Zone control is a great addition to a multi-level home.

I proceeded with the upgrade, & I have been truly gratified with the change in temperature Recently I was given the chance to transition from a job with a commute, to a job from home, however i was truly excited about this change, because I could spend close to 45 minutes just driving one way

You always get what you pay for when it comes to your HVAC company

You always get what you pay for when it comes to your HVAC company

I know that sometimes people run specials and that is a good thing, but whenever you’re just looking for a place that is cheap for cheapness’ sake, then you’re going to get bitten, that’s for sure. You really always get what you pay for when it comes to the service and quality of your HVAC

High tech errors

High tech errors

Just when my co-workers plus I thought that the newly installed boiler system was toiling correctly, the saga continued, however mind you, it’s been over six months since the modern system was installed! And however I toil in a huge building with more than 2 floors plus wings, the complications that have been occurring are

The best HVAC deal ever

The best HVAC deal ever

I could actually not believe it when I saw that my local heat and A/C dealership shop had brand new legitimately fancy central HVAC system units on sale for 60 percent off the familiar price! This to me is the legitimately best heating as well as A/C gift ever given by a local HVAC dealership.

My Aunt won’t stop talking about humidifiers

My Aunt won’t stop talking about humidifiers

Everyone has one of those ridiculous family members that drives them insane. I am no exception. My Aunt Maggie is one of those people who is quite hard to be around for extended periods of time. I feel really bad for his though because he does not realize that he is so discouraging, he entirely

The repairman knew what she was doing

The repairman knew what she was doing

I have nothing more than to see a professional at work. I suppose it’s pretty neat to see someone that has trained to do a task entirely well do what they are nice at. So when I was unlucky enough to have my a/c breakdown in the middle of a tepid Summer afternoon, of course