My dad fell down the stairs while carrying his a/c

My dad fell down the stairs while carrying his a/c

He could barely walk, but he decided that he needed a modern a/c right then

My parents are getting older, but they refuse to admit it! I feel so terrible for them. It is difficult to watch them struggle to do the things that they once did, but it is reality, but my spouse has tried so numerous times to help my dad service things around the house, but my dad refuses the help because he wants to prove that he can still do everything that he used to be able to do. I have to turn my head away sometimes when my dad is climbing all over the roof or changing light fixtures that are high up in his barn. I think that the truth of his aging may have finally hit him this past Monday. It is July, plus he wanted to get his a/c out of the attic, of course, he did not ask for help, and he had knee surgery a couple of months ago, plus his knee is still not completely healed, and apparently when he was walking down the stairs, his knee gave out, plus he fell down an entire flight of stairs, but thankfully, he did not cut anything, but his knee may need another surgery now. He did not even prefer his knee though. He was just super uneasy that his a/c was broken. I tried to tell him that we could get him another a/c, but he was so uneasy that he got in the car plus drove to the store to buy another a/c immediately. He could barely walk, but he decided that he needed a modern a/c right then. I hope that this incident teaches him to ask for help more often.

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