Trying to fit new gaming desk in apartment separate from covering up vents

Trying to fit new gaming desk in apartment separate from covering up vents

My coworker is expecting his first baby in two months plus he asked if I would like to buy his gaming laptop for cheap.

His gaming room is now going to be the baby’s room.

Of course I jumped on the opportunity. My coworker had a sick gaming room plus I have been envious for a long time. So I was extra excited when he decided to throw in his desk plus chair for an extra hundred dollars. He even helped me take everything back to my apartment where my pal and I started setting it up. That is when my pal and I ran into an issue. My apartment is easily small plus my HVAC vents are all on the floor. It seemed that there was no way to have my couch, the TV, plus a gaming laptop all in my home office separate from covering up the only vents in the home office. It was like trying to play one of those seasoned block games as my pal and I shuffled furniture around my home office. It gets easily tepid in this part of the country so covering up my air conditioner vents is simply not an option. I had a similar issue when I first moved into this apartment plus I had to try to make my bed plus dresser fit in the kitchen separate from covering up the one HVAC vent in there. I did end up making that work. My coworker plus I ended up making my home office configuration labor out too. The best part is that the air conditioner vent will be 1 foot from me while I’m gaming. I will stay nice plus cool plus comfortable. I can’t wait.


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