Rain Rain leave

Rain Rain leave

It seems like it has been raining from months.

  • In reality it has only been weeks.

My buddy came over last night to visit and said they just felt achy all over. I gave her some pop and she said it helped a bit. She commented on how much warmer my property felt than her own. We began to talk about how for months she just couldn’t seem to get warm. I asked her if she had been to the doctor and she said she had. They could not find any reason for her feeling chilled all the time. That got me thinking about her apartment. I know that over the past summer time she had a complication with mold growing on the walls of the bathroom. I did not think much of it at the time however now I began to wonder if she had a moisture problem. This would make the place feel damp all the time and would also make her feel freezing and achy. I asked her about the Heating & Air Conditioning system at the complex where she lived. She said she did not have a clue about it. I mentioned that she may want to contact the supervisor to have it checked and a Heating & Air Conditioning contractor to look into a dehumidifier for her apartment. Once the moisture was removed it would give the place a warmer feeling. This would also help with the mold and mildew complication she had been experiencing. She said she would call in the next few days. I hope she gets answers soon and feels better too.

heat pump installation