We live in the eastern part of the country.
Seasons can be very unpredictable.
We can experience snow in early October or mid May. We can also have 70 degrees in the middle of December. You must be prepared for anything. For this reason, come the end of March, we are all ready for spring. Signs of the warming season begin to show as the flowers start to rise from their winter’s nap. I am guilty of trying to tend to gardens too soon myself. However, my neighbor is just nuts. I just saw in out mowing his lawn and it is only 43 degrees outside. The sun has been out for several days but it is still cold. I doubt that the grass had even begun to grow. I myself and huddled inside with the boiler running and a fire in the woodstove. It is not lawn mowing weather in the slightest. Soon enough it will be time to shut down the heat and have the air conditioner serviced. I will call and make the appointments so it will be ready once there is no longer a chance of snow. For now, I will enjoy my warmth and watch my neighbor. I just shake my head and wonder what he is thinking. I enjoy the outdoors as much as the next person and love how my yard looks in the summer. Freshly cut and raked! I know that there will be plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors before long. I think I can wait for warmer temperatures in the meantime.